ipointr - showing you ways round London

Return to Mount Vernon and turn left down the steep path which is the continuation of Mount Vernon.
At the bottom of this path is a house, marked by a plaque, where E. V. Knox, the famous editor of the satirical magazine Punch, lived for many years. Punch was founded on 17 July 1841 by Henry Mayhew and engraver Ebenezer Landells, on an initial investment of £25. Reflecting their humorous outlook and sharp-edged intent, the two editors took for their name and masthead the anarchic glove puppet, Mr. Punch, of Punch and Judy. ///task.aims.snow
At the bottom of Mount Vernon briefly turn right into Frognal…
At number 99 Frognal, the Sisters of Dorothy convent building which now caters for young ladies coming to study in London or for a short holiday from all over the world, there is a Hampstead plaque. It marks where the famous French leader General Charles de Gaulle stayed during the second world war. Unfortunately, it’s barely visible from the street and you’ll have to peer over the top of the wall to see it. ///jobs.mops.family